1) 安装本机台时请严格按照国家标准安装工作电源,严禁随意乱拉,乱接,防止火灾或触电事故的发生。
2) 严禁堵塞机器的通风口及散热风扇,防止本机电器元件过热,而使机台不能正常工作或发生火灾。
3) 严禁使用插头形式来接驳本机的工作主电源,防止接触不良而造成火灾事故的发生。
4) 严禁在高温条件下安装使用本机,防止火灾事故的发生。
5) 严禁将任何物品塞入本机内,及将任何液体泼洒在本机的电器元件上,否则可能会导致火灾或触电。
6) 严禁机器带故障工作,否则会导发意外而带来不可估量的损失。
1) Please install working power supply in accordance with national standards. Do not pull or connect wires randomly in case of fire or electric shock.
2) Do not block vent or cooling fan to prevent abnormal operation or fire as a result of overheating of electrical components.
3) Do not connect the main power supply with a plug to prevent fire accidents caused by poor contact.
4) Do not install or use under high temperature to prevent fire accidents.
5) Do not stuff the machine or wet electrical components to prevent fire or electric shock.
6) Do not work with fault to prevent incalculable losses caused by accidents.
Equipment: Glue gun and four-axis drive, track, bottom of machine, other peripherals.
The servomotor of the Y-axis on the right (i.e. vertical axis ) of the four-axis drive equipment (including four servo drives, four servomotors, computer control cards, connection lines) drives the X-axis (i.e. horizontal axis) forward and backward; The X-axis servomotor (X-axis--right of horizontal axis) drives the whole glue gun (including Z-axis) to move from left to right; The Z-axis hanging on the horizontal axis drives the glue gun to move up and down.