1) 为了安全及本机正常工作,机器的接地端请与大地良好接通。
2) 通电前必须要确认进入机器的电源电压:AC 220V 50HZ。
3) 请将本机安装放置在平稳的地方。安装时请用水平仪绝对校准水平,以确保其使用精度及减少噪音的产生。
4) 如果本机发出烟、异常气味或不正常噪音,请关掉本机的电源开关。这些情况会导致火灾或触电事故的发生。再次开机时请确认故障已完全排除。
5) 关防护玻璃门时,请小心轻放,防止玻璃受重力而损坏。
6) 运行前请确认浸泡胶枪位置与吐液位置,在正常的浸泡胶枪跟吐液位置坐标点上。防止工作中损坏机器。
7) 运行前请确认工作原点是否在你设定的原点上,否则会损坏机器或PCB板、电子元件。
8) 示教时请尽量用低速示教,防止速度过快而撞坏胶枪。
9) 设备总复位时请确认胶枪全部升起,防止胶枪撞坏。
10) 关机时请先按正常程序关闭电脑,然后再关闭机台电源,防止程序丢失损坏机台。
11) 未经允许,请勿擅自更改电路和其他可能导致系统故障的参数。
12) 机器长时间不用时请切断电源。
13) 机器不可放在潮湿、灰尘多,等恶劣环境下使用。
14) 搬运时小心轻放,不要造成机器损坏。
宜兴翻译 宜兴翻译公司 中英互译
1) The grounding end of the machine should be connected to the earth for safety and normal operation.
2) Inlet power voltage must be confirmed before power is turned on: AC 220V 50Hz
3) Please maintain the machine stable. Please calibrate with a level during installation for use accuracy and noise reduction.
4) Please turn off the machine if any smoke, unusual odor or abnormal noise occurs since they will lead to fires or electric shocks. Please make sure the problem has been eliminated before restarting.
5) Please close the protective glass door with care to prevent it from breaking due to gravity.
6) Please make sure that the soaking and spitting positions of glue gun coincide with the normal coordinates before running the machine to prevent damage.
7) Please make sure the work origin is at the position you set before operation, or the machine, PCB and electronic components will be damaged.
8) Please demonstrate as slow as possible to prevent the glue gun from being broken.
9) Please make sure the glue gun is raised when resetting equipment to prevent damage.
10) Please turn off the computer first normally and then the machine power to prevent machine damage due to program loss.
11) Do not change circuit or other parameters that may cause system failure without permission.
12) Please cut off the power when the machine is idle for a long time.
13) Please stay away from damp, dusty and other harsh environment.
14) Handle with care to avoid damage.
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