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Fitness and fresh air: the latest in Chinese luxury travel 健身热潮,回归自然:中国豪华旅游的最新动态

STAND: By now, we all know China is the largest travel market and biggest opportunity for luxury brands, but what do the biggest consumer base in the world actually want? Lee from Reuter: Intelligence shares some of the latest emerging trends in Chinese luxury travel.

STAND众所周知,中国具有当今世界最大的旅游市场和奢侈品牌消费市场,那么, 作为世界上最大的消费群体,中国消费者到底需要些什么呢?根据路透社(ReuterLee 的报道:信息情报给出了中国豪华旅游的一些最新趋势。

WORDS: Lee Holland With reports of Chinese outbound travellers expected to reach anywhere between 200 and 240 million by 2020 and tourism revenue within China growing at more than double the rate of GDP growth, the country represents the leading market for hospitality brands. This is particularly true for luxury, with any key report from Bain & Co to McKinsey charting China to be responsible for 45-50 per cent of global luxury consumption by 2045.

有报道称,到 2020 年,中国出境游客将达到 2 亿至 2.4 亿人次,国内旅游收入增速是 国内生产总值增速的两倍有余,中国在酒店品牌市场占据了领先位置,而在奢侈品方 面,更为突出。根据贝恩公司(BainCo)和麦肯锡(McKinsey)的重要报告预测, 截至 2045 年,中国的奢侈品消费将占全球奢侈品消费的 45%50%。 

Chinese cities are ultra-competitive environments with relentless construction, traffic and transport hubbub, and little green-space. This has given rise to a huge trend in consumers looking back to nature, craving countryside escapes, beach retreats and fresh air, while in the city, the fitness industry grows so rapidly that new gym brands pop up on a weekly basis and social media posts make it seem as though affluent consumers live in the yoga studio. 宜兴翻译 

中国的城市环境极富竞争性,建筑业、交通业和运输业非常繁荣,但绿化面积缺失。 这导致消费者们分外渴望自然宁静、乡村原野、海滩度假,回归清新大自然;与此同 时,城市健身行业发展迅速,几乎每周都有新的健身品牌出现,社交媒体也积极发帖, 营造出富人热衷健身,扎根瑜伽馆的氛围。 

Culturally, China has long been a foundation for the health and wellness mind-set. 


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