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圣詹姆斯酒店&俱乐部(St. James’s Hotel & Club)之传统与和谐
Luxury is in the details and at St. James’s’ Hotel & Club in Mayfair, the details are exquisite. Fresh from a major makeover, this discrete hotel on the edge of Green Park is an elegant hideaway in the very centre of London’s lifestyle quarter, with exclusive shopping in nearby Bond Street, Burlington Arcade and Jermyn Street and the theatres and nightlife of the West End just around the corner.
坐落于伦敦梅菲尔区的圣詹姆斯酒店&俱乐部(St. James’s Hotel & Club)处处彰显出一种精致的奢华感。毗邻格林公园,这家经改造后焕然一新的酒店散发出典雅迷人的魅力,坐落于伦敦市中心,靠近邦德街、伯灵顿拱廊街及杰明街三大购物街,周围遍布各类高档专卖店。伦敦西区的各家剧院也近在咫尺,随时随地可享受丰富多彩的夜生活。宜兴翻译。
Situated in a private road a few streets from St. James’s Palace and a short stroll through the park to Buckingham Place, the hotel is steeped in history. English aristocrat Earl Granville and Sardinian Minister Marchese d’Azeglio decided to create a London club for travelling diplomats back in 1857 and since then, it has welcomed a star-studded line-up of politicians, business leaders, authors and celebrities to its exclusive surrounds. James Bond author Ian Flemming, Winston Churchill and Sir Michael Caine have all been members, and notable visitors including Sir Elton John and Christopher “Superman” Reeve have made this intimate hotel and club a veritable celebrity magnet.
该酒店位于一条隐秘小巷之中,距圣詹姆斯宫仅仅几街区之隔,穿过格林公园漫步一小段即可到达白金汉宫,该酒店被浓郁的历史气息层层包围。1857年,英国贵族格兰维尔伯爵(Earl Granville)和撒丁王国首相Marchese d’Azeglio立志为四处奔走的外交官们建立一家伦敦俱乐部。自此之后,该俱乐部的接待阵容便可谓众星云集,各国政界要人、商界领袖、文人墨客和社会名流都纷纷到访这家独一无二的酒店。《詹姆斯邦德》小说作家伊恩·弗莱明(Ian Fleming)、温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill,英国前首相)和迈克尔·凯恩爵士(Michael Caine,英国著名演员)都是该酒店的会员。著名的艾尔顿·约翰爵士(Elton John,英国摇滚明星)和“超人”克里斯托弗·里夫(Christopher Reeve,曾出演《超人》系列电影)也曾到此一游,更是让这家私人酒店备受名人青睐,引得他们纷至沓来。
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